Virtual reality (VR) devices have moved beyond gaming and entertainment, securing a place in business environments. Organizations across the world are now leveraging these devices for training their workforces. Indeed, VR devices are changing the face of workforce training, replacing PowerPoint presentations with a more engaging and realistic approach to conducting training sessions. The fact that millenials respond better to and learn more quickly from such innovative technologies only makes VR devices more fitting for businesses that have already started breaking away from traditional models.
VR Device Management
Remotely monitor and secure your VR devices
Lock down into kiosk mode
Utilize our remote screen sharing
Transfer files remotely
Turn devices into dedicated-purpose
Features Offered by VR Management Solution
Silent App Installation
Remotely install apps on VR devices without any user intervention or disruption of the user experience.
Implement Wi-Fi Center
Give users the freedom to switch between Wi-Fi networks without compromising other device settings.
Change Environment Wallpaper
Remotely change environment wallpaper for easy customization and branding.
Control the visibility of Nix on the VR device's home screen
Hide Nix on the VR device's home screen for security and to maintain the native experience.
Implement Single Application Mode
Turn VR devices into dedicated-purpose devices with only a single application running at all times.
Remote File Transfer
Push files to VR devices over-the-air or through URLs.
Remote Support
Remotely view a mirror image of the VR screen on the UEM console.